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Sky - Edinburgh, Scotland

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

14 - 20 February 2023

Diary Day 0.5

Hi Mum and Dad

Well the Kiwi Mistress arrived a bit sooner than I'd expected, so I had to wake up from my snooze. She let me out and I had a good run around the garden and then duly had another lie down! After the Kiwi Mistress had done some work and had a video call, which seemed to last forever we finally went for a wee walk. However, you should have seen the Kiwi Mistress try and get my harness on - she muttered something about a degree in origami! Anywho, she eventually got it on, well at least I think she did, it felt OK and we were off, although you know me a tad slow to begin, wanting to sniff and snuffle everything. We went up to The Meadows and between me playing pick up sticks and the kiwi marvelling at the beautiful crocuses, we made our way around the park and then went down towards Grange Loan. The Kiwi Mistress was then the slowest, for some reason she felt a need to look into all the large posh properties. I wanted to go through the hospital and to the cricket club, but as it was getting dark and had started spitting the Kiwi Mistress said we'd save it for tomorrow. She then turned on Google Maps, her sense of direction is shocking I knew where we were and my pace decidedly picked up the closer we got home. I got some treats along the way and when I got home for being a good girl and I was very gentle when I took them and you'll be pleased to know I was very good on the lead too! Anyway I must dash, I'm a bit tired so might have a wee lie down before dinner! Hope you got the bed linen and towel saga sorted and that you are all settled into your accommodation. I think the Kiwi Mistress and I will be fine while you are away. Enjoy your holiday.

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

P.S. some photos I'm really not into having my photo taken - but look at how far we walked, no wonder I'm tired!

Diary Day 1.5

Dear Mum and Dad

Well we went for a walk this morning for about an hour, but the wind and the rain was coming in sideways, so wasn't particularly pleasant and the Kiwi Mistress didn't take any photos till I got back and was snoozing! She also forgot to 'map' our walk. This afternoon we went for a big walk and the sun even came out for part of it. I've been a good girl and eating all my food and still enjoying yummy treats that the Kiwi Mistress slips me every now and then! I slept outside the Kiwi Mistresses room last night, so she kindly moved my bed there. I hope you managed to get in some good skiing today. Miss you both, but the Kiwi Mistress is doing OK.

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

Diary Day 2.5

Dear Mum and Dad

Well I'm not sure whose going to be more tired tonight, me or the Kiwi Mistress. We've had two big walks today. This morning the Kiwi Mistress finally took me to the Cricket Club, I was so happy and then Katie (?) and my friend the short black dog that's being trained as an assistance dog arrived and us two dogs had a brilliant time! During the morning walk, we went past the butchers - I was sure I was meant to go in and even the treats the Kiwi Mistress had in her pocket wasn't enough, so there was a bit of a tussle, somehow the Kiwi Mistress won! During our afternoon walk we wandered around Blackford Hill, I just had to take a quick dip in the stream and even though it was cold, I loved it! I thought the fowl on the pond looked pretty interesting too! Met a few dogs on this walk, but they were NOT my cup of tea. I also got a bit of a fright - we were passing the fields and when I looked up there was a huge animal just staring at me, the Kiwi Mistress told me it was 'just a horse', but seriously it was maffis! I gave it a few barks and did a wee jog on the spot, but that horse just kept staring at me with its long face! We saw a sure sign that spring is on the way with a cherry blossom tree in flower. Any how I'm going to have a lie down before dinner. I am still being very good, even if I do prefer people to most dogs! Miss you both and hope your having a nice time.

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

Diary Day 3.5

Dear Mum and Dad

What a day. Huge walk this morning, with some stops for coffee and food for the Kiwi Mistress. She was on annual leave, whatever that is, I thought everyday was an annual leave day! Its a dogs life and its grand! We went right into the city and there were so many people and so much food to try and snuffle up from the pavement! A lot of the people wanted to pat me, so of course being a good girl I let them, just quietly I loved it! On one part of the walk, a young lady came around the from a side street and it gave me and her such a fright, I literally leapt off all 4s and I think if I had not previously been to the toilet a little bit of wee might have come out! We also saw all the service men and women and the public lined up along the street to farewell the fireman that died, it was a very moving sight. Once we got home I had a drink and then just had to have a wee lie down.

This evening we just had a quiet walk, not too sure I was really into it! Although I did get excited when we went past the butchers, but they were closed - they should have stayed open for me! We also went past a pet food store and while it was closed, I could smell yummy food and I really liked their window display of mannequin dogs - they're much nicer than real dogs.

Anyway me and the kiwi are doing well. After all the wind and rain last night today was a beauty winters day with sunshine.

I must dash as some of my toys need putting away, I've left them all over the place, the kiwi's quite good at tug of war, I even let her win sometimes!

I hope your still having a good time.

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

Diary Day 4.5

Dear Mum and Dad

I hope you've both had another great day. It's been drizzling here all day, with the odd heavy shower in between! The Kiwi Mistress took me to the Cricket Club again! When we got arrived there was one dog playing ball, so the Kiwi Mistress left me on my lead, but they soon left and the Kiwi Mistress let me off and I was having a grand time playing ball, but then another dog arrived and she had a better ball, so I got it and then the kiwi tried to call me back, asked me to sit, asked me to stay, now maybe it was her accent, but I was NOT listening and my treats were not what I wanted! It was like my ears were painted on, but it was just such jolly fun! I had that ball and I was keeping it! 30+ minutes later and with the help of yet another person I gave up the ball, with the promise of another ball! So I was 'captured' and put back on my lead. During that time I had munted that ball into two pieces, needless to say the man, whose dogs ball I had was not happy and threw a bit of a hissy fit, despite the Kiwi Mistress offering to pay for it / buy a new one - he wasn't having any of that and duly stormed off! Needless to say by this stage the Kiwi Mistress was NOT impressed! She was soon laughing and smiling again, when she saw the funny side of it, we all must have looked a sight at the cricket club!

Late this afternoon we just went for a short walk, as the weather wasn't nice and I really didn't feel like being out in it.

I must away, I know that blue ball is here somewhere, quite like the sound of playing with whats left of it again!

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

Diary Day 5.5

Dear Mum and Dad

You'll be very pleased to know that I have been on my bestest behaviour today. We only had one walk today, but it was a biggie, so I think you can let me and the Kiwi Mistress off with just the one walk! We had a few stops along the way for refreshments and sustenance to keep us going. One part of the walk we were under where the trains come into Edinburgh and I really didn't like the noise at all - it really scared me, so we came back home a different way thank goodness. The Kiwi Mistress was good at calming my nerves though, that might have involved a little snack! Leith was lovely and thanks for the recommendation of Toast, we sat outside and people watched while the Kiwi Mistress had coffee and food. Well, only one more sleep to go and you will both be home. I am looking forward to seeing you both. Must away, my bed is calling me again.

Love Sky đŸŸ 💛

Diary Day 6.0

It’s here finally your coming home and the Kiwi Mistress told me you are on your way.

The kiwi and I had a walk this morning. The Kiwi Mistress did vacuum/hoover today, but TBH not too sure of the job she made of it. She also washed the bedding, towels etc. and they’re all hanging up in the scullery.

I will go out for a toilet break just before she leaves, she’s got a taxi booked for 1.15pm.

I won’t be home alone for long till you arrive and boy oh boy I will be soo excited to see you.

I’ve put my sad face on a couple of times today, just so the kiwi thinks I’ll miss her!

See you both very soon.

Love Sky đŸŸđŸ’›

P.S. when you take me out for a walk later can I please be let off the lead?! The Kiwi Mistress didn’t try again after cricketgate the other day! đŸ¶

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