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Buffy - Lyon, France

26 August - 04 September 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Mom

We've had a chill day today, with some walks around the 'hood' so that the Kiwi Mistress can get her bearings and explore all that there is to see. There was still plenty for me to sniff and snuffle at as we cruised around!

We've also had some play time with my ball and tug rope - not sure who won, but it was fun!

Hope you've had a great day.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

Diary Day Two

Diary Day Two

Bonsoir Mama

Hope you've had a good day. The Kiwi Mistress and I have had some lovely walks giving me plenty of time to do my business, sniff about, say hello to the dogs I liked the look of, and to enjoy the sunshine.

Will touch base again tomorrow.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

Diary Day Three

Dearest Mommy

Some lovely walks and play today, although the Kiwi Mistress went on a walk without me! She went to the Notre-Dame de Fourvière Basilica, and apparently dogs are not allowed inside! Thought God loved all creatures!!!!

Anyways best dash, we will be going for our final trot around the streets, before I retire for the evening.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

P.S. The Kiwi Mistress has said I have a grooming appointment tomorrow!

Diary Day Four

Dear Hooman Mother

How could you do it? The Kiwi Mistress took me to get groomed and I did not want to go, not one little bit! I begged her to get me out of there, but that was not meant to be! Anywho, I was desperately pleased to see the Kiwi Mistress when she returned and couldn't get out of the place fast enough! She did say I looked beautiful, but I thought I looked okay anyway!

Aside from that I've had a lovely day with my walks in the sunshine, and playing games with the Kiwi Mistress.

Hope you've had a good day.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

P.S. When you get back, we really have to have a chat about this grooming business!

Diary Day Five

Dear Mom

Some lovely walks today, pigeons are still safe, thanks to the Kiwi Mistress and not a dog groomer in sight. Happy about the groomer, the pigeons not so much! Even though I did my best stealth mode!

Hope you’ve had a grand day.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

Diary Day Six

Dear Mum

Alls well here, enjoyable day with walks, food, drink, play, and sleep.

Hope you had a good day too.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

Diary Day Seven

Dear Mom

Its been a warm one here, the Kiwi Mistress was very good at taking me on the shady streets, so my wee paws didn't get fried, but I certainly worked a thirst up while out and about on our walks! Slow and steady and not for too long, but enough for me to do my 'business', and to sniffle and snuffle about.

Hope you've had a good day.

Love Buffy 🐾💜💜🐾💜💜

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