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Prue, Parker, the Cats, and the Bunnies - Lockerbie, Scotland

06 - 13 May 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Mum, Dad, and Girls

Well the Kiwi Mistres seems to have settled into the house okay, she did this thing called work! Not sure what that’s all about, but it enabled us to lie about outside when the sun came out and inside when it rained! The Kiwi Mistress has given us plenty of cuddles and made sure we have water and food. The cats have been and gone a couple of times, weirdos, and the rabbits came out for food, water, and to enjoy the sunshine.

Anyway we best dash, there’s some activity outside that we need to investigate!

Hope your journey down the line was good and that the hotel is nice.

Love Prue 🐾💜and Parker 🐾💙

Diary Two to Four

Dear Mum, Dad, and Girls

Well us and the Kiwi Mistress are doing OK. The cats, especially the black and white one, and the rabbits seem to like her too!

We’re all eating, and behaving well. We’ve had some walks, as the weather till today, Monday, has been warm and sunny. Today is raining and we don’t even want to go out into back yard!

Well must away, the Kiwi Mistress is cooking herself some brunch and boy do those eggs smell good, maybe if we give puppy dog eyes, and a bit of drool from Parker we maybe, just maybe might get some too!

Hope you all having a fabulous time

Love Prue 🐾💜 and Parker 🐾💙

Diary Day Five

Dear Girls, Mum, and Dad

Well we had thunderstorms and all last night, but today turned out lovely, so we each had lovely walks around the park just up the road. We went around and around, and around, but there was so much to see and sniff as we went! The Kiwi Mistress reckons if we sniffed less and walked more, we’d do a lot more steps, but where is the fun in that! The 🐈🐈 and 🐇🐇 are all well. We all think the Kiwi Mistress is doing an ok job, even if she was working today!

Anyway apparently it’s burgers for dinner tonight, so might just go check it out!

Hope your all well and having a fabulous time!

Love Prue 🐾💜 and Parker 🐾💙

Diary Days 6 to 8

Dear Family

Well the day is finally here, one more sleep and you’ll be home and gosh we can’t wait!

Don’t get us wrong, the Kiwi Mistress has kept us fed, watered, exercised for us dogs, cage cleaned for rabbits, and plenty of attention for those of us who wanted it, but it’s just not the same here without you all.

The Kiwi Mistress has been busy with work this week, we’ve had a mixed bag of weather, and other than that it’s been quiet on the home front.

Gotta rush, going to lie outside for a bit in the warm concrete, before our next snack!

See you tomorrow.

Love Prue 🐾💜 and Parker 🐾💙

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