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PJ - Uddingston, Scotland

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

27 - 29 January 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Dad and Mum

You’ve been gone for a day and while the Kiwi Mistress sounds weird she’s feeding and watering me and I even snuck up on the bed overnight! Although that would mainly have been to ask to be let out! I think the cat flap is okay. I just forgot to go out before it locked me in overnight, won’t make that same mistake again! I hope you had a good trip to London Town and that you enjoy your time there. Happy birthday Dad! Will write again tomorrow.

Love PJ 🐾💙

Diary Day Two

Dear Dad and Mum

The Kiwi Mistress and I have hung about the house today, I’ve been in and out a few times and gosh my appetite is HUGE! I did come in this morning somewhat dishevelled, but it was so much fun out there. The Kiwi Mistress tidied me up as best she could, saved me having to groom myself as much! The Kiwi Mistress did bring out my favourite toy, but I really didn’t feel like playing, think I was a bit pooped from all my adventures. Anyway hope your still having a grand time in London. I’ll see you both tomorrow night!

Love PJ 🐾💙

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