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Nivi and Nor - Zürich, Switzerland

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

30 June - 08 July 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Mueter

Well the Kiwi Mistress and both of us have settled in well. We had our 19.00 meal, which we scoffed down. Then duly had to go lie down for a snooze!

The Kiwi Mistress found the Coop and bought herself some dinner and a bottle of wine.

We can hear Coldplay from the balcony! The Kiwi Mistress reckons if she’d known they were playing while she was here she’d have gone, however only ticket left are the VERY expensive ones! So it’s not to be!

Anyhow, hope you made it to your destination safe and that you have a great day tomorrow.

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

Diary Day Two

Dear Mama

We are doing OK! The Kiwi Mistress has feed us, watered us and played with us, even if we did go a bit 'cray, cray' at about 3.00 am and used the bed she was sleeping in as a launch pad!

The Kiwi Mistress went into the city and wandered around the lake to the Strandbad Mythenquai and just past the Chinese Gardens in the other direction. She then wandered around Old Town and took in the sights. She mumbled something about blisters and wanting to put her feet up!

She's already uploaded the 250 odd photos she took to the 'cloud', the Zürich folder is going to be very large!

Anyways, we hope you had a good day.

We must away, the Kiwi Mistress is going to take us for a 'trot' down the stairs to the 'basement' for a bit of a change and some much needed exercise!

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

Diary Day Three

Dear Mom

We've had a good day, got some exercise down the stairs and to the basement and had some play time with the Kiwi Mistress with our toys and in the boxes! We also were playing with a bug in the bath!

The Kiwi Mistress worked in the morning and then headed to ETH Terrace, she reckoned the climb up was worth the view! She then mooched about Old Town again!

We've been eating all our meals and enjoying the odd treat during the day.

Your day sounds like a few more steps than us or the Kiwi Mistress! Glad its been good.

You have a lovely evening too.

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

Diary Day Four

Dear Mum

The Kiwi Mistress had a lovely afternoon in Luzern (Lucerne), another lovely city, that she enjoyed wandering around 'snapping' 100s of photos of! All uploaded to Google Drive as well!

Its been another warm one here again and we made the most of the morning sun on the balcony.

We also thought it would be a good idea to have a play about in the shelves by the front door, including knocking stuff off onto the floor, such fun, but it did give the Kiwi Mistress a bit of a fright! Tee hee, tee hee!

Well must away, the Kiwi Mistress is having a lie down on the couch to read her book, so we may just consider having a snuggle!

Hope your day has been good.

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

Diary Day 6 and 7

Dear Mam

Yesterday we did a lot of sleeping during the day and then went a bit cray cray when Nadine came home and through the night! There wasn’t too much carnage! The Kiwi Mistress said Nadine was lovely.

Today we were left alone, again! The Kiwi Mistress headed off at lunch time to go to Schaffhausen, very good suggestion of yours she said! She also went to Rhinefalls. Absolutely stunning were her words.

Anyways we are being good and eating our meals and having plenty of water.

Hope you’ve had a good couple of days.

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

Diary Day 8

Dear Mama

Hope your day has been good. It was VERY hot here today, so we found cool places to rest ourselves. The Kiwi Mistress has been feeding us on cue and making sure our water is topped up and fresh.

Today she finished work at 1.00pm and then headed off to Uetliberg and she said it was WOW! Unfortunately because it was so hot the views of the mountains was very hazy! She reckons it was another spot on recommendation you gave her!

Anyways we’re about to have some more play time with our toys.

Can’t wait to see you tomorrow when you get home, we’ve missed you.

Love Nivi 🐾💜 and Nor 🐾💙

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