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Mitsy - Weatheral, England

28 April - 04 May 2023

Diary Day 1 and 2

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress and I have had a chill day at home. She’s been busy with doing something called website development - not a clue myself, but it seemed to keep her out of trouble!

Anyhow, I’ve been good and having my medicine and eating ALL my meals, and have been cat napping on the Kiwi Mistresses bed!

Last night was a hunting free zone, so no nasty surprises for the Kiwi Mistress this morning!

Anyway I must away, the Kiwi Mistress is in the kitchen cooking, so maybe she’ll give me a taste! I’d hate to miss out.

Hope you’ve had a lovely day.

Love Mitsy 🐾💙

Diary Day 3 and 4

Dear Dad and Mum

The Kiwi Mistress and I are doing well. I am having all my medication, meals and the odd treat or two when the Kiwi Mistress has her coffee in the garden!

Yesterday I had a bit of play time with my balls and ribbons! I did need a nap afterwards though!

The Kiwi Mistress did leave me home alone for a bit yesterday when she went for a walk around the village and today she’s going to go out again!

I don’t mind as it enables me to have my snoozes uninterrupted!

Best dash, I can smell eggs being cooked in the kitchen, maybe there is some for me!

Hope your having a great time.

Love Mitsy 🐾💙

Diary Day Five

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress is still here taking care of me, although she had to do this thing called 'work' today, not sure what that's all about, but she had zoom calls with people who sound even weirder than her (Scots!) and so while she was working I snoozed, and I snoozed, and I snoozed! The only thing that changed was where I was snoozing, in my little house, on her bed, and on the couch!

I did go out for a short while and lay in the grass, which was nice, but not as nice as those inside places.

When the Kiwi Mistress was making a coffee, I did try out the seat at the dining table she is using, and have to say it was no where near as comfortable as the other spots indoors.

Anyways, I must away, I can hear the Kiwi Mistress in the kitchen, maybe its time for my next meal!

I hope your having a lovely time and the weather is being kind.

Love Mitsy 🐾💙

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