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Jet - Sollihull, England

31 March - 09 April 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Mum, Dad, and Matthew

Well the Kiwi Mistress finally arrived and if she was a dog, she’d have have had her tail between her legs and sad puppy dog eyes due to her tardiness!

Anyways I wasn’t quite sure about the kiwi on arrival, but she found the treats.

I ate my dinner like a good boy and we went for a wee walk between rain showers. Don’t think me weird but I quite enjoyed having drinks out of the puddles along the way. There were a few other dog walkers out and about, wasn’t too sure about them either!

Anyways I must dash, the Kiwi Mistress is sitting on the couch, might be snuggle time.

I hope your travels are going well. Have a good night and speak tomorrow!

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Two

Dear Dad, Mum, and Matthew

Well I survived my first night without you and I have warmed to the Kiwi Mistress. She does sound a little bit funny though!

We’ve had a couple of short walks and a big one as well! Think I might be a little bit poked, but guess I’ll sleep well tonight!

The Kiwi Mistress even played ball with me in the back yard, we even got to do that in the sunshine!

Anywho, must dash, think I need a wee lie down!

Hope you’ve all had a good day and will message again tomorrow.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Three

Dear Matthew, Mum, and Dad

Well I’m not sure if should say this or not, but the Kiwi Mistress left me home alone for a couple of hours. We had a lovely morning walk and then she made me a delicious king and duly put me in my cage and went out!

I’m pleased to say she did come back and boy or boy was I pleased to see even her!

We then went for a walk across some fields as far as the canal, I did find a corn/maize cob, which I thought was rather delicious, but the kiwi made me give it up - spoil sport!

In this much larger walk, we went to the pub. I really didn’t want to go in, but the Kiwi Mistress had other ideas and so in we went! I was quite glad we did as there were a couple of other dogs in there and I let them and everyone else know I’d arrived! The Kiwi Mistress asked me politely to be quiet as we’d get thrown out before she even had a beer! Anyways we headed out to the beer garden and sat in the sunshine, yes you read right, sunshine, while the Kiwi Mistress had a couple of pints. All I was allowed was water, apparently I’m not old enough yet to have a beer!

We’re now home and I have to say I’m a bit cream crackered, so I’m having a wee lie down!

Best dash, the Kiwi Mistress is in the kitchen cooking and it smells delicious, and even though I know I won’t get anything from her, there’s no harm in trying!

Hope you’ve all had a fabulous day.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Four

Dear Matthew, Dad, and Mum

After a very chilly start this morning, there was frost on the grass and I didn't much want to go out first thing, but I did! The Kiwi Mistress took me for a good morning walk and then she settled into this thing called 'work', not sure what that's all about, so I snoozed the time away. In the afternoon it was lovely lying in the sunshine and warmth.

The Kiwi Mistress then took me for a lovely late afternoon walk in the sunshine, there was lots to look at, smell, gosh those daffodils are lovely, and try and chase! Pigeons and those big black birds I really could have given them a good run (chase) for their money, but heck, the Kiwi Mistress just would not let me - she's not much fun! Still I'll give it a go again when I next see them on around!

Well I best go, the Kiwi Mistress muttered something about giving me another brush/comb! She tried last night, but I really wasn't in the mood! I'll see if I can be bothered this evening!

Hope your all having the best time.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Five

Dear Matthew

I’ll do an update later tonight or tomorrow morning. The Kiwi Mistress has left me home alone as she has gone out to meet a friend for dinner! The cheek of it. She was in time with the bin this morning.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Five Point Three

Dear Matthew, Mum, and Dad

Well yesterday the kiwi and I had another lovely BIG walk in the spring sunshine. The Kiwi Mistress says its a wonder I do not have whip lash, with all the looking left and right I do all the time, there's so much to gander at - trades people working around peoples homes, home owners gardening and of course sometimes its just because I can!

The Kiwi Mistress also reckons that if I went to school and got a report card from the teachers, it would say 'easily' distracted by others! Other dog walkers, people walking without dogs, cars, cyclists and noises.

I have to say I was pleased when the Kiwi Mistress got back after she had been out - I didn't want to leave her side, in case she decided to escape again.

Well I must be away, the rain here has eased a bit, so we are going to take our chances and go for a walk.

Hope your holiday is going well.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Five Point Eight

Dear Matthew, Dad, and Mum

Well after our morning walk the Kiwi Mistress and I had a quiet day, with a slightly larger walk mid afternoon after the Kiwi Mistress had finished some zoom meetings and a smaller one this evening. It’s been raining pretty much all day, so after our walks the Kiwi Mistress gave me a towel down to dry my locks. I really enjoyed this, it felt good and made my fur all fluffy!

About to curl up with the Kiwi Mistress on the couch for snuggles so best be away.

Hope you had a good day.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Six

Dear Matthew, Mum, and Dad

Super big walk today, I really enjoyed it the most where it was just me and the Kiwi Mistress exploring. I have to say the Kiwi Mistress just about slipped over a couple of times in the wet/muddy conditions under foot - now that would have been funny! Rest assured we both made sure we did not bring in muddy foot/paw prints into the house!

I'm missing you Matthew, as I have been looking through the fence today, watching and listening to the children next door playing outside. Don't get me wrong the Kiwi Mistress plays with me outside, especially playing with the balls, but its just not the same as playing with you.

The Kiwi Mistress has informed me because she has Friday off work, that Thursday is the new Friday, and that we will see what the weather is like and decide what adventures we have.

Anywho, best carry on with the evening before it gets dark outside.

I hope all is going well with your holiday.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Seven

Dear Matthew, Dad, and Mum

Great weather day here today and the Kiwi Mistress took me on a slow big walk, lots to see and sniff at. I think I might need a hi-vis vest that says 'Litter Dog on Patrol'! I picked up sticks, a used mask, a surgical glove, a balloon, and a flower! The Kiwi Mistress immediately took them all off me, even the stick as it was even longer than me!

The Kiwi Mistress played ball with me in the backyard, I'm good at chasing and picking up, not so good at bringing it back, but the chase with the Kiwi Mistress sure was fun!

Only two more sleeps till you come home, possibly more sleeps for me, seeing as I do like snoozing, especially in the sunny spots!

Best be away, the Kiwi Mistress and I are about to settle on the couch and watch Coronation Street.

Hope you've had a great day and enjoy your day tomorrow.

Love Jet 🐾💜

Diary Day Eight

Dear Matthew, Mum, and Dad

The weather was again kind to us today, so the Kiwi Mistress and I went for a walk along the canal. I really liked the ducks and even the water was a bit tempting.

I also spied a few cats today, one of them was as surprised as I was when we faced each other coming around a corner! You should have seen the cats heckles go up, it looked a fright, quite literally! For a nano second we both just stood there staring at each, not sure what to do, before we remembered, that the cats meant to run and I was meant to chase. But alas, the Kiwi Mistress stopped me in my tracks - honestly, she really doesn't want me to have a bit of sport.

Only one more sleep till you are all home. Safe travels tomorrow and I'll see you all when you get home. Matthew, I hope you won't be too tired, perhaps we can play a bit of ball in the back yard when you get here.

I best be off, the Kiwi Mistress is eyeing me up for snuggles on the couch again.

Love Jet 🐾💜

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