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Duke and Earl - Alexandria, Scotland

25 - 26 May 2022

Diary Day One

Dear Mom

The Kiwi Mistress has made herself at home, our home! Not sure who she thinks she is! Anways, once she was all settled she took us for a lovely walk along the fiver, which we have to admit we did enjoy!

We are now waiting for our dinner, however we have to say, that what the Kiwi Mistress is cooking seems like a better option, it smells delicious, we wonder if she'd consider swapping?!?!


Duke 🐾 💙


Earl 🐾 💚

Diary Day Two

Dear Mom

Your returning day is finally here, we have enjoyed the company of the Kiwi Mistress, and she does give good belly rubs and cuddles, however its just not same as having you here!

Today we went out for a super walk at the park, we both got dead excited when we spotted a squirrel, but the Kiwi Mistress said we needed to maintain our distance, spoil sport!

Anywho, we know you are arriving back in the early hours of the morning, but we don't think we will be able to be quiet when we hear and see you, but we'll try and keep it to the bare minimum, so as not to wake up the Kiwi Mistress with all the fuss we are going to give you.


Earl 🐾 💚


Duke 🐾 💙

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