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Dolly - Edinburgh, Scotland

13 May - 04 June 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Human Parents aka Mum and Dad

Well today has been ok! The Kiwi Mistress and I had a couple of walks and one of them involved the Kiwi Mistress throwing a ball for me, till she said "enough already"! She reckons she’ll end up with RSI, not sure what that was all about, ‘cause I was really enjoying it! Still can’t complain, two lovely walks with lots of sniffing and collecting stuff, sticks, socks, empty food packets, you know the drill! I didn’t give up my haul till the Kiwi Mistress gave me a treat!

We had snuggles in the window seat this afternoon, which was nice.

I ate all my dinner and I’m going to have a wee nap.

Hope you got to London Town ok and you’ve enjoyed your first day of your holiday.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day Two

Dear Dad and Mum

The Kiwi Mistress and I had three outings today, two good walks and a shorter walk with ball throwing. I didn't last too long with the ball throwing, I had to run around and around in circle after circle, as I had another dog chasing me, it was such fun, but I was the pooped and just stopped in my tracks and lay down! That little dog that was chasing me didn't get my ball though!

I've eaten breakfast and dinner and about to play some tug of war, so best dash!

Hope you've had a good day.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

P.S. The Kiwi Mistress seems to think that I might be demoted from Office Manager to General Dogs Body, as apparently I wasn't all that much help while she was working today!

Diary Day Three

Dear Mum and Dad

Another few outings again today, one with the frisbee and while the Kiwi Mistress can throw it sometimes, she's nowhere near as good as you Dad! Although, I had a grand run about and catching it in the air - lots of fun. I also found a number of 'sticks' on our walks, one I really didn't want to let go of, till I was bribed with a treat! Some of these 'sticks' had only just been cut from the tree! I enjoyed the walk along the canal and the Kiwi Mistress had to 'stop' me from going into the 'drink', the water was soooo tempting!

I've had breakfast and dinner today and drunk plenty of water, a couple of naps and some games of tug of war. I've also been a good 'guard' dog, there has been lots of people coming and going up and down the stairs, but I let them know the Kiwi Mistress and I were in residence, and not to mess with us!

Anywho, gotta go, the Kiwi Mistress has settled into the window seat with an ebook and it looks like she just might need some company!

Hope your having a great time and that your exam went well Mum.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day Four and Five

Dear Human Parents

Well after a rather 'slow' day yesterday, the Kiwi Mistress and I have excelled ourselves today! Had a morning trot around The Meadows and then this afternoon I dragged the Kiwi Mistresses a@$e up Arthur's Seat and back down again! I have to say, we were both rather pleased with ourselves on our efforts. I somehow think the Kiwi Mistress and I will both sleep well tonight.

I'm eating and drinking everything I should and have to say I do like the treats that come my way!

I hope your having a wonderful time and not missing me too much!

Must go, the Kiwi Mistress has just sorted my dinner out for me and I'm slightly hungry after 'bagging' my first 'volcano'!

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day Six

Dear Mum and Dad

Early morning walk before the Kiwi Mistress started working and a walk this afternoon to end with Friday after work drinks! I’m not as impressed with my drink as the Kiwi Mistress is with hers!

Hope you’ve had a grand day.

Heading off home now for dinner!

Love Dolly🐾💜

Diary Day Seven and Eight

Dear Dad and Mum

A busy day yesterday for the Kiwi Mistress and I with a leisurely walk along Union Canal to Edinburgh Park and then a train trip to Falkirk and then from Falkirk back to Edinburgh. The weather was nice for the most part, and I enjoyed trying to get into the water, especially if there were water fowl. Although I have to confess I didn't know what to make our of the swans - they're bigger than me!

Anyway today, we've just had a few trots around The Meadows as its been a very dull and drizzly day. It meant the Kiwi Mistress and I could snuggle up in the window seat, while she watched some TV and read. I got rather excited by the squirrels, but the Kiwi Mistress wouldn't let me go after them either! Now where is the fun in that!

The Kiwi Mistress had a bit of an epic fail in the cooking department tonight, setting off the smoke alarms as she attempted to do a stir fry! Less fry, more stir me thinks. Thankfully, before either of us suffered permanent ear damage she got the smoke alarms off! Anyways, no damage done and she tucked into her food quite happily, not an ounce for me, not impressed as it smelt delicious!

Anyway, gotta go, the Kiwi Mistress is doing the dishes and usually means it will soon be snuggle time on the couch!

Hope your weekend was great.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day Nine and Ten

Dear Hoomam Parents

The Kiwi Mistress and I are still comfortably cohabitating. She’s been working the past couple of days, so we start each day with a walk around The Meadows and a play with the ball or frisbee, have breakfast and while she gets to work I snooze! Think I’ve got the better end of that deal!

We have a quick trot to the park at lunch time and then a bit of a larger walk late afternoon. Both days we’ve been blessed with lovely sunshine. We then have dinner and settle in for the night, until she takes me for a last toilet stop before bed. It’s a comfortable routine that’s working well! The Kiwi Mistress is pleased I’m eating and drinking as I should be and enjoying my treats, which really you can never have too much of.

Anyways got to rush, I can hear someone on the stairs that I just might have to give a wee bark too!

Hope alls well with you both and your enjoying your break from Edinburgh.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Days 11 to 15

Dear Hoomans

Sorry I've not been in touch, but I know the Kiwi Mistress has been keeping you up to date with all the goings on!

Anyways, I'm 'on heat' and man does it make me grumpy, but at least I'm keeping my virtue intact, by keeping all those nasty boy dogs away from me, actually TBH, its all dogs. They only have to look at me sideways, and I'm ready to have a go at them!

The Kiwi Mistress has been busy working, but we have at least 3 walks a day, as well as quick toilet trips.

I've attached a couple of maps of where we have been on slightly longer walks, while I take my time to sniff and snuffle my way around, the kiwi is busy gawping at the streets, architecture and other 'stuff'. If we both focussed on walking more and less of the other stuff, we'd go twice as far in the time it takes us!

Anyways, gotta go, the Kiwi Mistress mumbled something about going to get a bottle of wine, might try me some of that if she lets me!

Hope your holiday's still going well.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day 16 to 19

Dear Mum and Dad

Hope everything is well with you both and your enjoying your holiday still.

The Kiwi Mistress and I have been having regular walks, some shorter than others, but never without a dull moment!

Today I had to defend my virtue when some random dog off a lead, would not leave me alone, needless to say the Kiwi Mistress and I were not impressed. The Kiwi Mistress likened it to having to watch out for gal pals at the pub, not sure what that's all about, but she reckoned you'd understand! Something about the morning after regrets! Anyways, we decided that maybe doing more walks around the streets is safer than the park and this afternoon once the Kiwi Mistress had had enough of work we went out for a jolly good walk, which was event free for everyone!

The Kiwi Mistress found some 'squeaky' toy noises on her laptop, which did get me rather excited I have to say!

We've been spoilt with the weather and have been watching the setting up of the 'fair' that is in The Meadows, it looks like it will be close to being open soon.

Anyways got to fly, the Kiwi Mistress is cooking steak tonight and I reckon, there just might be a small morsel coming my way! I live in hope anyway!

Love Dolly 🐾💜

Diary Day 20 - 22

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress and I are still tolerating each other and living in harmony! We've been out and about on walks around the city and parks.

The weather has been glorious and it does make me a bit giddy with happiness, so much so, that when the grass is freshly mowed at The Meadows, I find myself rolling around it - it just feels and smells so delicious!

The fair in The Meadows is now open and I'm not a bit bothered with all the noise or flashy lights, and its quite exciting as their is so much food rubbish left around for me to try and wrap my mouth around!

The Kiwi Mistress has told me I only have one more proper sleep till you are both home again, which just quietly I am super stoked about! I am sure when you get back late on Sunday night, I will be VERY excited to see you both.

Enjoy your last days of holiday and safe travels home.

Love Dolly 🐾💜

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