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Charlotte and Sammy - Droithwich Spa, England

16 - 27 June

Diary Day 1 and 2

Dear Dad and Mum

The Kiwi Mistress has settled in well, she had a good nights sleep and got groceries delivered this morning.

We’ve eaten our meals and me, Charlotte has had my medicine food.

The Kiwi Mistress took a walk along the canal today and got as far as the Boat and Railway, stopped for a pint and then headed back and apparently had to stop at the The Eagle and Sun! She claims walking is thirsty work and she has to keep herself hydrated.

Me, Sammy, has been smooching around and even allowed big body stretch rubs while lying on the table outside! I promise there was NO food on the table while I did this!

Me, Charlotte, had big loves, while the Kiwi Mistress was on the couch last night and this morning reading.

We’ve all settled into our new routine well and the Kiwi Mistress seems to be ok, even if she does speak funny!

Hope you’ve had a great day and all is going well.

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

Diary Day 3

Dear Dad and Mum

We’re all doing grand here, although Sammy hasn’t come in for his dinner yet, despite being called a few times.

We had a bit of rain here and lots of thunder. The rain was enough for the garden not to need watering, but the kiwi did water the plants in the hot house!

The Kiwi Mistress spent the day in Worcester, walking to train via canal, but getting a taxi home! She said it still felt familiar, yet different from when she worked there in the early ‘90s.

Your day looks like it was good and those two National Trust Properties look amazing.

Have a great day tomorrow.

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

Diary Day 4

Dear Mum and Dad

Well the Kiwi Mistress was back at work today and as much as we wanted to help, we both got a bit bored and tired, so went and found quiet spots to have a wee rest at! The Kiwi Mistress reckons as co-executive assistants, we have possibly fudged our CVs! The cheek of it!

We've been good with having our meals and me, Charlotte, my medicine.

It looks like you've had a good day and that the weather has been fantastic. We had a lovely day too, and a good lot of rain overnight.

Have a great day tomorrow.

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

Diary Day 5

Dear Dad and Mum

It looks like you managed to have a good day, even with the weather. We had lots of rain here this morning, so neither of us wanted to go outside.

You'll be pleased to know one of us brought a dead mouse for the Kiwi Mistress, but we did leave it at the back door!

We both turned up for work at the duly appointed time, had our breakfast and then we both 'slunked' off for our sleep, which to be honest we did until dinner time!

All the best with the weather and the walk tomorrow.

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

P.S. Only two photos of us today, once you've seen one shot of us snoozing, you've seen them all and Julie just popped by to say hello and offering help if the Kiwi Mistress needs it, which the she says was very nice of her.

Diary Day 6

Dear Mum and Dad

Another quiet day for us today, although we did shift our snoozing positions to outside!

The Kiwi Mistress had a full morning of Zoom meetings with people who have even funnier accents than hers (Scot’s)!

We’re both keeping up with eating, and there were no overnight presents!

Your photos look fabulous, but a dog, really! We’ll have to chat about that when you get home!

Love Sammy 🐾💙 and Charlotte 🐾💜

Diary Day 7

Dear Dad and Mum

Both of us and the Kiwi Mistress think Holkham Estate looks beautiful.

We've been up to our usual, nothing much. Sleep inside, sleep outside, food, sleep, sleep, food …. Both of us are certainly creatures of habit! We are well and being good.

Trevor from next door beat the Kiwi Mistress to put the bins out! She said she'll try and be first to get them back in after they've been collected tomorrow.

Well we must dash, got some more snoozing to do.

Have a great day tomorrow.

Love Sammy 🐾💙 and Charlotte 🐾💜

Diary Day 8

Dear Dad and Mum

The Kiwi Mistress left us! She’s gone to Worcester - again! Something about getting her nails done and having a meal out! The cheek of it!

Don’t panic - we’ve had our meals, but she didn’t take any sneaky photos of us! She reckons all the photos are of us sleeping and all that changes, sometimes, is where we are having our snooze!

We are both well and in fact me, Charlotte, even got a bit active first thing this morning chasing a moth! I was a bit exhausted after that exertion!

Have a lovely day tomorrow - we might be home alone again for part of it as it is the weekend, so the Kiwi Mistress may well go out again for the day!

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

Diary Day 9

Dear Mum and Dad

Well the Kiwi Mistress has been as lazy as us today! She sat outside in the sunshine like us!

We are still being good and eating our food, having our medicine (Charlotte) and having plenty of rest!

Your photos look great, you are certainly seeing some lovely parts of the country.

Well must dash, the Kiwi Mistress is changing position in the garden to catch the last of the sunshine!

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

Diary Day 10

Dear Dad and Mum

It’s been a hot day here too! The Kiwi Mistress headed out jaunting around the countryside, leaving us home alone! She assures us this will be the last time, as she’s back at work tomorrow!

We’re still enjoining our tucker and sleeping! We are just about out of cat biscuits! ☹️😮😳 I’m sure we’ll have enough for tomorrow, but maybe none for Tuesday. 😱

Anyway we’ll be off, only two more sleeps till your back - yay!

Love Sammy 🐾💙 and Charlotte 🐾💜

Diary Day 11

Dear Dad and Mum

Norwich looks like a lovely city! We trust you had a good day. We’ve had a good day, me, Sammy was caught being a bit more active hanging outside, me Charlotte, not so much! Hence more photos of Sammy than Charlotte! The Kiwi Mistress has kept herself busy with work and a few zoom meetings! One more sleep and we’ll see you tomorrow afternoon when you get home!

Love Charlotte 🐾💜 and Sammy 🐾💙

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