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Cagney and Lacey - York, England

06 - 14 June

Diary Day One

Dear Mum and Dad

You’ll be pleased to know the Kiwi Mistress came home and then took us out for a lovely walk.

We did our ‘business’ and did a lot of sniffing and snuffling of all the wonderful smells!

We came home and had a yummy dinner and the Kiwi Mistress made it just like you do - we both scoffed the lot! It was nice not having to worry about Henry helping himself to our food while we were still eating!

Anyways we are now resting up in the lounge. The Kiwi Mistress said we’ll go out again to do our end of day ‘business’, before it’s time to go to bed properly.

We hope your drive to your first destination went well, have a great day tomorrow.

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

Diary Day Two

Dear Dad and Mum

We've had two lovely walks so far today, it was bit colder, the Kiwi Mistress even put trousers on! Muttering something about it going back towards winter, instead of summer!

We have both eaten our breakfast and dinner.

The Kiwi Mistress left us 'home alone' while she went to the supermarket and stopped at the local for a couple of after work ciders! We were OK as we had music on, and were cosy in the kitchen area, so didn't feel totally abandoned!

Anyway we hope you've had a great day.

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

Diary Day Three

Dear Hoomans

Its been a bit of a funny old day, a walk to the park over the road this morning and me, Miss Lacey, not wanting to eat my breakfast! I did eventually eat it, but not till lunchtime! Then we went for our 'larger' walk of the day, but Miss Lacey, wasn't really into it. So we went along the top of the flood stop bank and then back along the river. Not too far or for too long and we had a 'break' along the way, where the Kiwi Mistress and us sat on one of the bench seats. It was nice just watching the world go by.

However we both have eaten our dinner and currently snuggled up in the lounge, where its just that bit warmer.

TBH, we are both missing you both, but hoping you have had a lovely day on your travels. I'm sure tomorrow will be a different day. The Kiwi Mistress reckons there's nothing to worry about, something called 'teething' problems or a 'settling' in period. She'll keep you up to date, if she has any concerns.

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

P.S. The Kiwi Mistress forgot to 'map' our walk!

Diary Day Four

Dear Mamma and Pappa

It’s me, Lady Lacey, I woke the Kiwi Mistress up with a cold wet nose this morning! We’ve had a lovely day, walk along the river, but not too far mind and we’ve both eaten breakfast and dinner. We also had a triple circuit around the wee park down the road. The Kiwi Mistress left us alone and went into town, walked along the river to get there, walked around Museum Garden and then wandered the streets of York. She’s now gone out again to the ‘local’, but we’re OK. The weather has been stunning and we hope you’ve had a good day too!

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

Diary Day Five

Dear Dad and Mum

We had a morning walk along the river and through the walkway by St. Peter’s. When the Kiwi Mistress got back from her jaunt to Harrogate, we went over to the park and had a few walks around it - it was very hot and neither of us felt up to much! We’ll have another late evening stroll tonight before bedtime. Breakfast and dinner has been consumed with some gusto! Hope your both having a lovely time and that the weather has been good to you too!

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

Diary Day Six

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress was back at work today and she seems to think as part of the 'stay at home workforce', we should be doing more than going for walks and sleeping! We did try and tell her that's what we do best, but she muttered something about HR! Anyways we are all good here and are enjoying the walks in the sunshine, everything smells so much better to sniff when its been warmed by the sun!

Hope you've both had a good day.

Love Cagney 🐾💜 and Lacey 🐾💙

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