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Aggy - London, England

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

16 - 29 December 2022

Diary Day One

Dear Mum and Dad

Myself and the Kiwi Mistress have just been for a two hour walk to Paddington Park. I sniffed everything all the way there and back and I showed the kiwi where there was food and dog poop! I had two big rolls in the left over snow - it felt so good! We had two walks yesterday as well. I didn’t go to my bed in the bedroom till early in the morning when I thought it was breakfast time - the Kiwi Mistress made me wait, but then she got up and fed me and duly went back to bed for a bit, so did I and I was snoring. I’m not helping the Kiwi Mistress get model photos of me to send you, but she did manage to snap a few, which I’m sending you, she might do better tomorrow! I miss you, but the Kiwi Mistress seems an OK replacement till you get back.

Love Aggy 🐾💖

Dairy Day Two

Dear Mum and Dad

It’s been raining most of today, lucky for me the Kiwi Misress took me for a walk before it started. Needless to say this was an epic fail for our afternoon walk, although the kiwi has taken me to The Union, apparently I’m allowed in, but too young for a beer pffft! The Kiwi Mistress left me during the day, with my licky mat with yoghurt and a few treats in my chew bone. It kept me mildly amused why she went on a canal boat trip and to the Borough Market where she bought a cote de brought for her tea - bit unfair I say, biscuits indeed!

Anyways I must away, I’m sure someone at this bar wants to say hello to me!

Love Aggy 🐾💖

Diary Day Three

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress got up earlier today and after a lovely walk, she duly made herself at home in your office Mum - the cheek of it! However, it was nice to have someone home all day and another walk before dark! She’s now left me home alone again - dinner out at a Marco Pierre White restaurant no less!

Well must fly, I’ve got a chew toy with treats in that I must attend to.

Love, Aggy 🐾💖

Diary Day Four

Dear Mum and Dad

Well the Kiwi Mistress took me out for two walks so far, she really doesn’t like me eating poo and food scraps - keeps telling me to leave it and come along! We went up to the park today and so I left the stuff I’m not meant to have and decided that squirrels would be my food of choice? Tried to give chase with some barking, but low and behold I was still tethered to my lead! Bugger! The Kiwi Mistress worked again today and I even missed the squirrel in our courtyard while I was napping! Best dash, the Kiwi Mistress is off out again - the Maple Leaf for a classic poutine and then off to see To Kill A Mockingbird! Hope there’s left overs!

Love Aggy 🐾💖

P.S. the Kiwi Mistress gives pretty good belly rubs!

Diary Day Five

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress has worked from the office again, apparently I’m a very laid back work colleague! She has taken me on a couple of walks around multiple city blocks. I got no leftovers brought back from her dinner last night, but I’m hopeful when her takeaways arrive, that something might at least fall in the floor!

Best dash and get into position in the kitchen.

Love Aggy 🐾💖

Diary Day Six and Seven

Dear Mum and Dad

Well you’ve been gone a week and I’m managing to survive without you and tolerating the Kiwi Mistress!

Yesterday we walked along the canals as far as Little Venice, as well as a couple of other trots around a few blocks.

The Kiwi Mistress finished work yesterday and so today once the rain stopped we headed out for a big walk for an hour.

As you can see from the photos I am fine and she even caught me having puppy dreams.

Well must dash, the couch is calling me.

Love Aggy 🐾💖🐾💖

Diary Christmas Day

Dear Mum and Dad

Merry Christmas!

I spent Christmas Eve at Hyde park with my new friend Lou Lou - we both left each other alone so got on well! While at the Park we went to the Winter Wonderland and everyone loved me. I told them I’d been borrowed from Buckingham Palace! We stopped off at a pub where the Kiwi Mistress, and her friend Ally had a vino. Last night/early this morning the kiwi and I spoke to a whole heap of people who sounded like her, but weird they were all wearing shorts and t-shirts and there was a glowing disk in the sky!

Anyway I best dash, I’m off for another walk, I hope you have a wonderful Xmas.

Love Aggy 🐾💖🎄🎁

Boxing Day Diary

Dear Mum and Dad

I have a confession to make - I may have partaken in some Xmas Turkey yesterday - not a lot, but gosh it was delicious! The photo is me at Lou Lou’s place where we had the Turkey. The Kiwi Mistress, and I have had a couple of walks today and currently watching Mary Poppins on TV. I’ll leave my update there as I don’t want to miss the movie.

Love Aggy 🐾💖

Diary Day - I Have No Idea

Dear Mum and Dad

I’m told by the Kiwi Mistress that there is only one more sleep till you come home! I’ve lost all track of time and days since you’ve been on holiday - it’s like I’m on holiday too. It’s been raining a bit over the last couple of days, so walks have not been as pleasant. The Kiwi Mistress has managed to get an earlier train, so will likely leave before you get home, but will make sure I’m fed and watered and had my morning walk before she leaves. This was me snoozing last night after my late evening walk. See you both when you both get home.

Love Aggy 🐾💖

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