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Botanics, Squirells and Foxes

I spent yesterday afternoon on another BIG walk, this time in Glasgow, going from Hyndland to Partick via the Glasgow Botanic Gardens and Kelvingrove Park. Not sure how many k's, but enough for my body to say 'no more today please'!

Glasgow is lucky to have such beautiful walks, gardens and parks in the middle of the City. Some of the plants in the various 'glass houses' were absolutely HUGE and were from all over the world, including little ol' NZ! Only a kiwi would get so excited about seeing their first squirrel since being here, but I was exactly that, excited!

Other than that, I've been busy searching for jobs, applying for jobs, preparing for job interviews, including presentations and attending interviews, either face to face or on-line. Have to say the face to face ones feel a lot better. The 'whole' process of looking for work, is almost a full time job in itself. I have to say that recruitment agencies or HR departments are obviously under the 'pump', as their response time if you get one, is VERY slow - I heard back from one the other day, for a job that I applied for back in early March, when I was still in NZ! Some of the ones I've even interviewed for just send a 'generic' thanks but no thanks email. From a 'client' / 'customer' experience perspective, its not good enough, however I've had the same experience in NZ too, so its not a 'Scottish' thing!

I've got another few interviews lined up next week, before I head to Ireland for a week! Going to stay with an Irish lass, who I met over 30 years ago in Australia. She's just recently moved back to Ireland, so we have a lot to catch up on and no doubt it'll be very good craic!

Finally, I have 'foxes' - not quite in my back yard, but only about 15 metres away. They come out in the late evening, they are 'searching' rubbish bins. A sign that they are 'adapting' to the people world (or more to the point we have encroached into their world) and no doubt becoming lazy with how they forage for food.

Best get on with it - more job searching to get done today!


Sara (aka Miss Sassy) 😘 🦋 💌

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