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Betsy - Portrush, Northern Ireland

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

05 - 13 March 2023

Diary Day One

Dear Dum and Mad, oooppps, I meant Mum and Dad!

Well when I saw you coming down the stairs this morning with your suitcases packed, I was super excited thinking WE were going on holiday! Imagine how I felt being put out the back in the dark and cold. Well let me tell you, I didn't stay out there for long! A few barks from me and I had the Kiwi Mistress opening the door and letting me back inside! I've worked her out already!

Anyways, the Kiwi Mistress had work to do and had a few zoomies, with people that sound even funnier than her, but let me in and out of the house as I needed and with a few twirls by THE kitchen cupboard, I occasionally got a treat or two - not too many mind, as I didn't want to spoil my dinner appetite.

The Kiwi Mistress took me for a lovely walk and I got to sniff and snuffle my way around, but dang it was COLD. So no photos of me outside, as the kiwi had her gloves on and can't work her phone with them on. It was that windy, that my ears often got 'picked up' and the Kiwi Mistress said I looked like the 'flying nun', whoever that is!

The Kiwi Mistress has sat with me on the couch a few times, but I'm not quite ready for snuggles yet, I'll make her work for those!

I think the kiwi and I will be fine.

I hope you arrived safe to your destination and that you have enjoyed day one of your holiday.

Miss you both, yes even you too Dad!

Love, Betsy 🐾💕

Diary Day Two

Dear Mum and Dad

The Kiwi Mistress and I have had a good day, we did another lovely big walk this afternoon, again very brisk.

I enjoyed playing in the snow in the backyard while it was there, but its just about all gone. The Kiwi Mistress even joked about making snow angels, but I just shook my head and walked off!

I have a confession to make, I did sleep with her last night, but it meant nothing!

Anyways I was very delighted to hear you will be home tomorrow for a night and we can discuss if I come on holiday with you or stay with the kiwi - its whatever's going to work best for you.

See you tomorrow.

Love Bets 🐾💕

Diary Day Three

Dear Mum and Dad

While I was disappointed when the Kiwi Mistress told me you weren’t coming home, she put on some music and low and behold Footloose came on and I was able to sing to make me feel better. And then another favourite came on, Tainted Love. I do have to say the Kiwi Mistress gave singing a good go, but she can’t hold a tune! I’ll miss you coming home, but do understand.

We had another lovely walk, before the snow/sleet started coming down.

The Kiwi Mistress gave me a frozen carrot, she couldn’t get over how quickly I could get it down my neck!

Anyways best dash, the Kiwi Mistress is having something to eat again, there might be scavengings on the floor!

Love and miss you, but wishing safe travels and fun adventuring. Betsy 🐾💕

P.S. The Kiwi Mistress was having a shower last night and I came into bathroom, cause she didn’t latch/lock door and I curled up on her clothes, the clean ones mind, on the floor! She want best pleased about the cool air coming in from the open door! 🐶🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

Diary Day Four

Dear Mum and Dad

Me and the Kiwi Mistress are doing well. I brought her slippers to her this morning and with that she soon got out of bed! Result!

She has been providing me with my meals and treats. So she must like me.

I have a confession to make, today I discovered that a couple of the plant pots out back have tasty dirt or remnants of something rather delicious! I’ve had a go at them a couple of times today! Don’t think the Kiwi Mistress was best pleased with me though - might have to bring her slippers to her again tomorrow morning!

The Kiwi Mistress today tried out the heated blanket and she duly spent the day under it, even during her zoomy meetings! I have to say I had a wee snuggle with her on top of it and it was deliciously warm.

We only had a walk around the park across the road today as the weather was atrocious once the Kiwi Mistress had finished work. I didn’t mind, didn’t want to get my tresses all wet!

Anyways must dash, I can smell something cooking in the kitchen, might try my luck making eyes at the Kiwi Mistress and see if she’ll slip me a morsel - not that I’ve had any luck from her so far!

Have a lovely evening!

Love Betsy 🐾💕

Diary Day Five

Dear Dad and Mum

Blessed to be me today! The Kiwi Mistress took me for a walk and I zigged and zagged with my nose to the ground - it’s a wonder I didn’t trip her up! But there were such delicious smells EVERYWHERE! I met some dogs on our travels, but I wasn’t much bothered about them with all the sniffing to do! The Kiwi Mistress ordered pizza for dinner, but despite me sitting there with my ‘feed me eyes’, watching her bite for bite she just would not give me ANYTHING! The Kiwi Mistress is a tough nut to crack when it comes to giving me her human food!

I’m delighted to say the Kiwi Mistress isn’t working tomorrow, so we’re going to see what the weathers like and decide what to do.

Well must away, the Kiwi Mistress is settling in on the couch, might snuggle in with her even if she didn’t give me pizza.

Love and miss you both, Betsy 🐾💕

Diary Day Six

Dear Mama and Papa

What a day we had to day, the Kiwi Mistress took me on the train to Derry. It was so pretty along the coast line, even if it was over cast. We walked all of the Derry Wall and meandered around the city streets.

Unfortunately the weather turned to ‘pus’ and the Kiwi Mistress and I got wet. She was better off than me in the fur department as she had a hood on her head, but my fur, especially around my ears went foo foo and made my ears look all boofy with curly frizz!

I’m now snuggled up on the Kiwi Mistresses feet on the couch as I’m a little bit poked.

Hope you’ve both had a great day.

Miss and love you muchly.

Betsy 🐾💕

Diary Day Seven

Dearest Mama and Papa

It’s been a quiet day here with miserable weather. So quick wander around the block and at the park across the road today. I was quite happy with that after the bad ‘hair day’ yesterday! The Kiwi Mistress has kept me fed, watered, exercised and generally entertained while you’ve been gone, but geeze I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon!

While your holiday was not what you’d planned, I know you will have had a great time, even without me!

I look forward to hearing Kermit pulling up in the driveway tomorrow! One more sleep to go, might start now, tomorrow might arrive quicker!

Love and miss you, Betsy 🐾💕

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