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A Short Sojourn To Edinburgh

Well I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front, its not that I've not been doing anything, but didn't want to bore you all to tears! I've now been here for a month! To date I can report that I have not started saying aye instead of yes! This one might be only a matter of time, as the Scots seem to use it more than just for a 'pure' yes, seems to be a 'space filler'!

I've filled my evenings watching a TV show called Still Game, Slice of life in Glasgow and reading Irvine Welsh's book Train Spotting. Biggest insight from both is that the word pish, can mean many things, depending on context and certainly more than just the obvious!

Another 20 jobs applied for. Some of the interviews I've had, I've not been successful and I'm waiting on hearing back from a couple of interviews and have another three lined up over the next couple of weeks! I've got another 20 to apply for as well, so there's no shortage of work! Its a 'full time job', applying and preparing for the interviews, including presentations - well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Finally got my Scottish bank sorted out and transferred NZ money to here, so I'll stop paying the fees the NZ banks have been charging me each time I used my card here! That's a win in my book!

Last week I spent a few nights in Edinburgh and took in some of the sights. Hardly scratched the surface of what there is to see and do, but it was a good start.

My faves were the Palace of Holyroodhouse and Rosslyn Chapel. Although I have to say the Scottish National Gallery had me in awe with the sizes of some of the paintings - they were absolutely ginormous! The mind boggles how the artist was able to paint them.

Inside Edinburgh Castle - The 'great' hall

Inside Palace of Holyroodhouse - Dining Room

Rosslyn Chapel - Made famous by Dan Brown's Book, that was made into a movie; The Da Vinci Code!

Calton Hill - National Monument of Scotland

I think I've worked out how to describe the difference between Edinburgh and Glasgow, that at least makes some sense in my head! Edinburgh to me has the feel of Wellington or Melbourne, 'chic and classy' where as Glasgow is the 'poor cousin' city, kinda like an 'old' version of Dunedin, Hamilton or dare I say it Palmerston North!

Although the reference to Edinburgh being like Wellington might have been because of the wind - it certainly gave Wellington a run for its money on a 'windy' day! Not sure if I've quite 'nailed' it, so it could be a work in progress!

Cam had his 23rd birthday on 07 May and Ethan has his 20th on the 17th May, so I bought them some 'land' (2sq feet each!) in Fife, Scotland and a 'title' each; Laird Cameron Trent George Refoy of Blairadam and Laird Ethan James Joseph Refoy of Blairadam! They were both genuinely pleased with their present! I've threatened to buy them a kilt next!

Had some lovely chats with Himatangi Beach friends - thanks Sue and Marie, was great to chat! Spoke to Cam - think he misses me and of course for birthday wishes! Mandy sent me a beautiful silver necklace with a St. Christopher pendant. He's the Patron Saint of Travellers - not sure if he's up to the task of keeping me out of trouble! And keeping up to date with what other NZ family and friends are up to via messenger.

Jeff, my NZ brother from the same mother, finally got into his second major back surgery on Thursday, NZ time - hopefully this will give him mobility and less pain. The first surgery was effectively an epic fail. This one really has to work, otherwise he'll have to rethink having a courier business!

Richard, my Scottish brother from the same father and his wonderful family have been so welcoming and hospitable. We are not living out of each others pocket, but catching up on average once a week. Have been fortunate to see some of my nephews football games - its not quite rugby, but still lovely to see the young lads out playing sport.

I'm doing my first house/pet sitting gig from the 18 May to the 23 May, its only 15 minutes up the road at a place called Alexandria, but needed to start somewhere, so I can hopefully get a recommendation from them and that will give other people looking for a house/pet sitter some guarantee that I can do it and them it'll be easier to get more a bit further afield! Its a great way to get 'free' accommodation, to reduce costs when travelling.

Well must dash, get the next raft of jobs applied for and get out my Lonely Planet Scotland and plan where my next little sojourn will be!


Sara (aka Miss Sassy) 😘 🦋 💌

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